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"Fuck! I told you to cum in my mouth. I knew I shouldn't have done this!" she whispered. "I'm sorry. I just lost control," as I looked around for a towel or tissue. She began to finger the cum into her mouth. "Nobody will notice," trying to make light of the situation. Katie gave me 'don't be an asshole' look. Her blazer was semen covered as was most of her neck. Some sperm had fallen onto her black skirt. I grabbed the pair of jeans that didn't fit and wiped her cheeks. Katie then grabbed a hold and wiped off the rest of her face, blazer, and skirt onto the jeans. She got into her purse and fixed her makeup. We began to giggle like high school k**s thinking about what we had done. Katie stood up and she leaned in and kissed me. Her tongue entered my mouth. I had never tasted my own cum before. The aftertaste was very salty. I raised my hand and began to caress her breast while my other hand explored her ass. Her tongue was dancing in and out of my mouth as I lowered my hands. Nothing she had ever predicted had been proven false. If she said the eighth was a bad day, then that was more than enough for nearly everyone. Come to find out later the 8th was a very bad day. An early tropical storm blew suddenly out of the Gulf and submerged everything between Corpus Christi and Freeport. There was major flooding and roads were washed out everywhere. No one could travel anywhere for the next two days and it would have been dangerous indeed if our guests had been driving on those small county roads to Lovett under those circumstances. The decision to change the date probably saved lives and I never forgot it. Lucy was always welcome at our house and to visit us at any time at our jobs. Lucy’s mother Lorelei was always a bit distant to everyone including her own daughter. She lived in Lovett with her elderly mother Sarah but kept to herself and didn’t interact much with others. She was rumored to be a bit ‘slow’ and free spirit that marched to the sound of music.
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